Facebook Edgerank Algorithm explained

There has been quite a bit of buzz lately about the Facebook Edgerank algorithm.  The Edgerank algorithm is used by Facebook to rank posts on a user’s ‘top news’ feed to determine which posts should be shown on top of the ‘top news’ feed and which posts should not be shown on the ‘top news’ feed.

Edgerank Algorithm

When a user logs in to Facebook, there are normally many more posts destined to a user than that can fit on a user’s ‘top news’.  Therefore, Facebook uses the Edgerank algorithm to determine which posts should go on top of the ‘top news’.

It is absolutely key for a digital marketer to understand how the Edgerank algorithm works.  The reason is that if you can write posts that raises your posts’ ranking based on the Edgerank algorithm, your posts will have a higher probability of being shown.  In fact, it is very similar to Search Engine Optimization.

We have pulled together a short video that explains the Edgerank algorithm.  Please feel free to contact us for further questions.

16 thoughts on “Facebook Edgerank Algorithm explained

  1. […] da hilft es nur wenn man ausgiebig testet. Es gibt zwar schon einige Therien wie der sogenannte Edge Algorithmus funktioniert, aber sicher weiß das wohl nur Facebook. Dennoch ist dieses Video sehr hilfreich um […]

  2. Thanks for the very interesting video. From now on we will need to have an eye on the Facebook EdgeRank while working on the Facebook pages of our customers.

    1. dagholmboe

      Thanks to you for your positive comment. You might want to look at the EdgeRank very similar (but yet different) to standard SEO and Google page rank. In each situation, there is a company that is trying to optimize the user experience for the benefit for the user and also for the company. A few years ago, we developed a similar algorithm for a different project.

  3. very interesting

    thx !

    1. dagholmboe

      Thanks for your comment. Very much appreciate it.

  4. […] Schlussfolgerung täuscht: denn ob ein User ein Status-Update sieht oder nicht, hängt laut klurig analytics von den folgenden Faktoren […]

  5. […] hat Klurig Analytics mal ein aufschlussreiches Video veröffentlicht, welches den Algorithmus des Facebook Edge Rank […]

  6. Thank you! I’ve been waiting for someone to make this easy to understand. Now I feel like I’ll have to approach things differently from now on… more planning!

    1. dagholmboe

      Hi Michael, yes, planning is always good. More is often better. 🙂

      I think the single most important thing that a good understanding of the Edgerank gives you, is that more engagement generates more impressions, which generates more reach, brand awareness and ultimately sales. Having this understanding, you job is to generate posts that generate engagements.

  7. […] belangrijk principe is de Edgerank. Een edge is een item op Facebook in welke vorm dan ook. De Edgerank bepaalt hoe het aangeboden […]

  8. Houston Web Marketing…

    […]Facebook Edgerank Algorithm explained « Klurig Analytics Social Media ROI Tools Internet Social Media Marketing Dag Holmboe Boston Massachusetts[…]…

  9. […] belangrijk principe is de Edgerank. Een edge is een item op Facebook in welke vorm dan ook. De Edgerank bepaalt hoe het aangeboden […]

  10. […] Facebook Edgerank Algorithm explained (kluriganalytics.com) […]

  11. […] un vídeo de Klurig Analyics (Facebook Edgerank Algorithm explained) que explica el funcionamiento del algoritmo EdgeRank incluyendo ejemplos (en […]

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